This course can be brought to your church and in English it can be done in either one day (normally a Saturday) or for a more relaxed pace, Friday evening plus Saturday.
This course is designed to give some practical application to anyone who wants to continue to grow and develop revelatory ministry, especially the gift of prophecy.
That is the purpose of this course, we will cover basics but go beyond basics, so no matter where you are on the prophetic maturity continuum, from wondering if you can have the gift to being accustomed to using it frequently for the building of the church (its principal New Testament purpose) we hope that you, and we in the team, would all learn together in this time.
In this course we will intersperse teaching with testimonies and exercises to inform, equip and inspire you and give you a safe workshop to “seek to excel in the gifts that build up the church”.
The aim is to equip you to grow in your ability to hear God, use your gifts to help in your church to advance the Kingdom of God, to be at peace with your church and it’s leaders and to have harmony at home and work, all at the same time!
The course is designed to fit in with most peoples rythym of life so it starts on a Friday evening and then all day and evening Saturday.
NB - It is not the same content as John Paul Jackson's CD series of the same title but that would be an excellent additional resource for you - £15.50 in our shop.